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NCD Medical > New Products > New DR Systems > NCD DDR
Low cost, flat panel detector DR has never been available with high quality images,
dicom output and good acquisition time until NCD acquired the NCD DDR system. We
have combined low cost, high performance hardware technology, integrated with
an excellent software solution, resulting in a low cost flat panel DR system that
brings you digital x-ray images for less than half the price of other DR systems.
NCD offers it's DR product with features that allow it to compete with more expensive solutions. Image processing, viewer enhancing tools, window leveling, custom image filters, and dicom 3.0 import/export characterizes the software. High performance HP workstation with LCD flat screen monitor is provided as your console/workstation. These components compliment the 250 CCD camera high performance detector.
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NCD Medical Recieves 2009 Best of Willowick Award
WASHINGTON D.C., June 8, 2009 -- NCD Medical Corporation has been selected for the 2009 Best of Willowick Award in the Hospital Equipment & Supplies category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).